
Charlie is a sweet male kitty, approximately 1 year-old, who ‘invited’ himself into the Solis’ family yard one day in January 2013 and never left. Clearly preferring to stay outside, the family made Charlie a bed on the front porch but he seldom wandered very far. Charlie’s new family lives in the country, and in late September he must have wandered onto the neighbor’s field and apparently was kicked by their donkey. Miraculously, Charlie made it back to his home. Immediately, the Solis’ saw that had Charlie had sustained life-threatening injuries. They rushed him to their veterinarian at associate member hospital Harden Ranch Veterinary Clinic where emergency treatment was performed to try and stabilize him. Charlie had incurred 3 broken ribs, a punctured lung, signs of internal bleeding and a broken leg. The doctors at Harden Ranch recommended that Charlie be transferred to a specialty hospital where he could be monitored 24/7 and further diagnosed. They told Ken and Dianne Solis about BirchBark Foundation.

Ken and Dianne and their family had recently fallen prey to difficult economic times and after the emergency treatment at Harden Ranch, they were unable to cover the costly care and ultimate surgery Charlie would need to survive. Charlie was monitored closely over the ensuing days for his internal injuries. BirchBark Foundation along with associate member hospital Pacific Veterinary Specialists & Emergency Services helped pay for Charlie’s care and surgery. When it was medically safe, Dr. Tom LaHue performed the necessary surgery on this tough little guy to repair his broken leg.

The Solis’ joke and call Charlie a ‘cat dog’ because he sits, stays and lays down on command and loves to ride in the car. We hope that it won’t be long before Charlie can resume his activities. He is now home and recovering and will likely become and inside kitty.

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