We are grateful to participate in our two local giving campaigns!

For over 10 years, BirchBark has supported pet owners during their times of greatest need. Hundreds of families have felt the embrace of their local community when, faced with a veterinary emergency, you were there to provide a lifeline.

We invite you to make a gift now that will help a family in 2025 - a gift that will transform a stranger's most difficult day into one filled with hope and love.

Making your year-end gift to BirchBark through Santa Cruz Gives or Monterey County Gives! will maximize the impact of your contribution, since funds donated through these campaigns will receive a partial match.


Can I donate by check?
Yes! To donate by check through Monterey County Gives!, make the check payable to “Community Foundation of Monterey County” (or CFMC, or CFMC/MCGives) and write BirchBark on the memo line. Mail the check to:
Community Foundation for Monterey County
Attn: MCGives!
2354 Garden Road
Monterey, CA 93940

To donate by check through Santa Cruz Gives, make the check payable to Santa Cruz Gives, write BirchBark in the memo line and mail your check to:
The Volunteer Center
Attn: Santa Cruz Gives
1740 17th Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Can I donate stocks or bonds, or make an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution?
Yes! If you would like to make a donation of this kind through MC Gives! please call (831) 375-9712. If you would like to donate through SC Gives please email Leslie Lee at engagement@scvolunteercenter.org. Note that to qualify for a 2023 Qualified Charitable Distribution, IRA contributions must clear your custodial account by December 29, 2023.

Is there a minimum donation size?
Both campaigns have a minimum donation size of just $5, allowing everyone to make a difference!

When is the deadline to donate?
Both campaigns end at midnight on December 31, 2023!

Challenge Donors

The generous donors listed here are offering their support to BirchBark and challenging you to match their gifts! Thank you to these donors for sharing their resources with the pets and families of our communites!

Santa Cruz Gives Challenge Donors

  • Amy Boyle, BirchBark Board Member

  • Alyssa Plicka, BirchBark Board Treasurer

  • Suzanne Pallottelli

Monterey County Gives! Challenge Donors

  • Animal Internal Medicine Consultants

  • Dr. Merrianne Burtch, DVM, DACVIM, BirchBark Founder and President

  • Santa Cruz County Bank