Sponsor all or part of a recent case so we can replenish our funds and continue saving cherished family pets.
Ted - Attacked by Coyote
Roger - Abscess in Lung
Riley - Broken Jaw
Kapo - Mass Removal
Keith - Urinary Blockage
Cruzer - Broken Leg
Molly - Broken Leg
Pinto Bean - Dental Disease
Binx - Fractured Leg
Amber- Hit by Car
Chicklet - Attacked by Dogs
Jameson - Blocked Instestine
Meeko - Urinary Blockage
Baby - Hernia
Tora - Foxtail in Nose
Tyler - Blocked Intestine
Beezy - Mass Removal
Mr. Buddy - Urinary Blockage
Birchbark Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are 100% tax-deductible. Tax ID 81-2531220